Post 10 : English Language Challenges

Hi everyone, here we are in last blog of all, the last topic we will talk about is the challenges that the English language presents and our experience with this language. To start with, I can say that this subject has been of my liking, quite practical and I never found it stressful, it was always dynamic, hand in hand with this I can also say that the blogs were a constant way to practice our vocabulary. If there is something that I have to improve in my English, it is to get used to the sound of some words, that sound too similar to me, and together with this to pronounce them in the correct way, perhaps a way to fix this is to listen to audios or whatever is spoken in English, on the other hand, I also intend to continue learning more words, since there is still enough vocabulary that I don't know and that is necessary to understand the 100% of things, most of the time and regardless of the context that i am. If there is something for which I use English since a long time, it is for games or for when im watching videos and streams in this language (i mean without subtitles), and I am currently at a point where I could understand 80-90% of the videos in English that I watch, the remaining percentage is due to the problem I mentioned above, in addition to that, obviously, I still have a lot of vocabulary to to learn. Well, I guess that's all I have to say, feel free to leave a comment telling me a little, about your experience with this subject and the English language, goodbye.


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